Monday, February 8, 2010 is now Live!

Sorry for that outburst. :-) 

This is something that I've waited years for, and I finally got it.  I'm overjoyed by the whole process of it. 

Creating my own website has been on my mind for a whole year now, and I always found a way to make excuses for doing it.  Not anynmore.  I finally got my site up and running, and it feels great.  Perhaps I may be able to liberate myself from etsy afterall?

Oh, btw, I'm hosting a blog, and will probably stick to blogging there.  Hmmm...I haven't decided what to do about possible having two blogs.  But, I do pay to be there now....


asfjh said...

Congratulations on the website, I need to make one for myself, but have been putting it off.
What is the url for your wordpress blog?

Tiffany said...

Thank you Eva! I've been putting off the website for a long time as well, but it was time. I have a lot more freedom now. It was really cheap too, only about $65. That's less than what I was paying to list on etsy yearly. The url is Thank you for dropping by!

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog and was very intrigued. I just had a couple of questions, so if you could e-mail me back at that would be great! Thank you for your time.

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